St Mary’s Church

St Mary’s Church has been the village centre of worship since the 11th century when the original stone tower was built.  There was an earlier wooden watch-tower in the 9th century on the site.  Additions have, of course, been added over the centuries.

The Parish is part of the Chellington Team Ministry, a team of eight rural churches (seven Anglican churches and one United Reformed Chapel) in the west of the Sharnbrook deanery in the Diocese of St. Albans.

The other seven churches in the team ministry are: St Mary’s, Carlton; St Peter’s, Harrold; Harrold United Reformed Church; All Saints, Odell; St Mary the Virgin, Podington; All Saints, Turvey; and St Lawrence, Wymington.

Our team clergy are the Revd Jacqueline Curtis and the Revd Peter Turnbull. They can be contacted at 3, The Moor, Carlton, where visitors are always welcome. You can also get in touch via email to [email protected] or on 01234 720262 or our home number 01234 720961.

Services and Open Church

There are services most Sundays with a 9:30 Eucharist, usually on the first and third Sundays. This is sometimes shared at Turvey and detailed information is available on the  Services page. The second Sunday is usually 9.30 Morning Prayer and the 4th Sunday 17.00 Evening Prayer. On Fifth Sundays there is a ‘Benefice Service’ at one of the parishes in the Benefice. St. Mary’s is open for Private Prayer or contemplation, or just a quiet place to sit and think, from 10am – 4pm every day.


If you would like to donate something, however small please use our “giving box” located in the Church.